Draw and explain small signal hybrid-Pi model of BJT including early effect.
1 Answer

  1. The small Signal resistance$rπ$
  2. A dependent current source$gmVbe$.
  • A small signal resistance$rπ$ is defined as,$rπ = {Vbe\over Ib}$
  • Alternate equation for$rπ$ is$rπ= {Vbe\over IBQ}={πFVT\over ICQ}$
  • $rπ$ is called as diffusion resistance or base emitter input resistance.Note that value of resistance is depends on Q-point parameters.
  • At output side of transister is denoted by the current source as$gmVbe$,where gm is transconductance of the transistor which is define as;
  • $gm = {ICQ \over VT}$
  • Small signal transconductance is also function of a Q-point and directly proportional to the dc bias current.
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