Compare clipper and clamper circuit.
1 Answer

Comparision of clipper and clamper circuits

S.No Clipper Circuit Clamping Circuit
1. The circuit which removes a portion of input signal is called clipping circuit or clipper. The circuits which are used to add certain amount of d.c. to the a.c. input signal  are called clamping circuits.
2. The clipping circuits are also called limiters or slicers. The clamping circuits are also called as d.c. restorersor d.c. inserters.
3. A basic clipper circuit uses resistors, diodes and voltage sources. A basic  clamper circuit uses resistors, diodes and capacitors
4. Depending on which half cycle is removed the clipping circuits are classified as follows
Positive ClippersNegative Clippers Depending on whether the positive d.c. or negative d.c is added to the a.c. input signal , the clamping circuits are classified as follows
Positve ClampersNegative Clampers
5. Positive Clippers:-In positive clipping circuit the positive half cycle is removed. Positve Clampers:- Positve Clampers add positive d.c. to a.c input  signal.
6. Negative Clippers:-In Negative clipping circuit the negative half cycle is removed.
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