Series and shunt clippers
1 Answer

Clipping Circuit:-

  • The circuit which removes a portion of input signal is called clipping circuit or clipper. The clipping circuits are also called limiters or slicers. Depending on how the diode is connected with the load the clipping circuits are classified as follows.
  1. Series Clippers
  2. Shunt Clippers
  • When the diode is connected in series with the load then such a clipping circuit is called series clipper. When the diode is connected in parallel across the load then such a clipping circuit is called shunt clipper.

Series Clipper :-

  • A simple series clipper can be used to remove the entire positive or negative half cycle of the input waveforms . Depending on the direction of the diode in the series clipper circuit the series clipper circuits are classified as
  1. Series Postive clipper.
  2. Series Negative clipper.

Series Postive clipper:-

  • The circuit daigram of series positive clipper along with its input and output waveforms is given below.



  • During the positive half cycle of the input voltage the cathode becomes more positive with respect to anode. Thus the diode D is reverse biased so it acts as an open circuit. Thus no current flows through the resistor RL . As a result there is no ouput voltage during positive half cycle of the applied input voltage.
  • During the negative half cycle of the input voltage the cathode becomes more negative with respect to anode . Thus the diode D is forward biased so it acts as an short circuit. Thus current flows through the resistor RL . As a result the entire input voltage is dropped across RL during negative half cycle of the applied input voltage.

Series Negative clipper:-

  • The circuit daigram of series negative clipper along with its input and output waveforms is given below.


  • During the positive half cycle of the input voltage the anode becomes more positive with respect to cathode. Thus the diode D is forward biased so it acts as an short circuit. Thus current flows through the resistor RL . As a result the entire input voltage is dropped across RL during positive half cycle of the applied input voltage.
  • During the negative half cycle of the input voltage the anode becomes more negative with respect to cathode .Thus the diode D is reverse biased so it acts as an open circuit. Thus no current flows through the resistor RL . As a result there is no ouput voltage during negative half cycle of the applied input voltage.

Shunt Clipper :-

  • A simple shunt clipper can be used to remove the entire positive or negative half cycle of the input waveforms . Depending on the direction of the diode in the shunt clipper circuit the shunt clipper circuits are classified as
  1. Shunt Postive clipper
  2. Shunt Negative clipper.

Shunt Postive clipper:-

  • The circuit daigram of Shunt Positive clipper along with its input and output waveforms is given below.

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