Construction and operation of varactor diode.
1 Answer

Answer: Varactor diode modulator:-A varactor diode is a semiconductor diode whose junction capacitance varies linearly with the applied voltage when the diode is reverse-biased. It may also be used to produce frequency modulation. Varactor diodes are certainly employed frequently, together with a reactance modulator, to provide auto-matic frequency correction for an FM transmitter. The circuit of Figure shows such a modulator.

It is seen that the diode has been back-biased to provide the junction capacitance effect, and since this bias is varied by the modulating voltage which is in series with it, the junction capacitance will also vary, causing the oscillator frequency to change accordingly. Although this is the simplest reactance modulator circuit, it does have the disadvantage of using a two-terminal device; its applications are some-what limited. However, it is often used for automatic frequency control and remote tuning.

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