Determine voltage gain, Input resistance and output resistance for the MOSFET amplifier shown.
1 Answer

Performing DC analysis by open circuiting all capacitors

The voltage across resistor R2 can be given by the expression

The current through R1 is


Similarly, current through R2 is


Since there is no path for these currents to take another loop, these currents have got to be the same which brings us to the foll. equation






$\therefore V_G=\dfrac{V_{DD}R_2+V_{SS}R_1}{R_1+R_2}$

NOTE: Using the above equation, we can easily get VB but just in case you want a easier equation, we will simplify the obtained equation

$\therefore V_G=\dfrac{V_{DD}R_2+V_{SS}R_2-V_{SS}R_2+V_{SS}R_1}{R_1+R_2}$


$\therefore V_G=V_{SS}+(V_{DD}-V_{SS})\times\dfrac{R_2}{R_1+R_2}$


$V_G=0.714\ V$



$R_G=27.71\ K\Omega$


But, $I_S=I_D$

$\therefore V_S=I_DR_S-V_{SS}$


Applying KVL to Gate - Source Loop





The formula for ID is given by







$I_D=7.718\ mA \ \&\ 3.1\ mA$

If $I_D=7.718\ mA$, this will result in negative value of VDS. Hence,

$I_D=3.1\ mA$

Putting the value of ID in 1, we get


$V_{GS}=2.614\ V$

Replacing the MOSFET by it's small signal equivalent circuit we get

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