In what way approprite technology can lead to better sustainable development.
1 Answer

Appropriate Technology:

  • Appropriate technology is used to describe simple level of technologies which are suitable for use and can effectively achieve the needed purpose in a given location.
  • It is simple enough that people can manage it directly and on a local level. Appropriate Technology (AT) developed so that it was suitable to the social and economic conditions, to reduce problems for people and reduce or reuse waste.
  • Appropriate technology makes use of skills and technology that are available in a local community to supply basic human needs, such as gas and electricity, water, food, and waste disposal.
  • In olden days cooking was done by burning logs of wood, then later coal and now LPG, CNG, Biogas production, solar heating panels etc are developed as a step for betterment of life.
  • The goal of Appropriate Technology (AT) is to increase the standard of living for the developing world using few natural resources without complication and environmental damage. Their inventions are more labor intensive, require fewer resources, and use low cost Special attention is paid to the social, cultural, and ethical aspects of the communities the technology is intended for.
  • It is developing environmental, ethical, cultural, social, political, and economical issues.

The important principles / measures for Sustainable Development are as follows:

  • Use appropriate Technology.
  • Reduce, recycle and reuse approach.
  • Promote environmental education and awareness.
  • Resource utilization as per carrying capacity.
  • Improving quality of life including social, cultural and economic dimensions.

Using appropriate technology: which are locally adaptable, eco-friendly, resource efficient and culturally suitable for mankind. It should use less of resources and should produce minimum waste.

Reduce, recycle and reuse approach: The three R's reduces pressure on our resources as well as reduces waste generation and pollution.

Promote environmental educations and awareness: Making EVS the centre of all learning process will greatly help in changing the thinking pattern and attitude of people towards our earth and the environment.

Resource utilization as per carrying capacity:  The carrying concept is more complex in case of human beings because they not only need food to live but need other things to maintain it. The carrying capacity has 2 basic components:Supporting capacity which is the capacity to regenerate and Assiliative capacity: which is the capacity to tolerate different stresses.

Improving quality of life including social, cultural and economic dimensions: Development should not only foucs on wealthy people.  There should be sharing of benefits between the rich and poor.

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