What are the limitation of conventional sources of energy.
1 Answer

Limitations of conventional energy sources

  • Reliability of Supply:- One shortcoming is that renewable energy relies heavily upon the weather for sources of supply: rain, wind, and sunshine. In the event of weather that doesn’t produce these kinds of climate conditions renewable energy sources lack the capacity to make energy. Since it may be difficult the generate the necessary energy due to the unpredictable weather patterns, we may need to reduce the amount of energy we use.
  • Difficult to Generate in Large Quantity:- Another disadvantage of renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate large amount of energy as those produced by coal powered plants. This means that either we need to set up more such facilities to match up with the growing demand or look out for ways to reduce our energy consumption.
  • Large Capital Cost:- Initial investments are quite high in case of building renewable energy plants. These plants require upfront investments to build, have high maintenance expenses and require careful planning and implementation.
  • Large Tracts of Land Required:- To meet up with the large quantities of electricity produced byfossil fuels, large amount of solar panels and wind farms need to be set up. For this, large tracts of land is required to produce energy quantities competitive with fossil fuel burning.
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