What are the reasons of Ozone layer depletion? What are its effects?
1 Answer
  • The main things that lead to destruction of the ozone gas in the ozone layer. Low temperatures, increase in the level of chlorine and bromine gases in the upper stratosphere are some of the reasons that leads to ozone layer depletion.
  • But the one and the most important reason for ozone layer depletion is the production and emission of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). This is what which leads to almost 80 percent of the total ozone layer depletion.
  • There are many other substances that lead to ozone layer depletion such as hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Such substances are found in vehicular emissions, by-products of industrial processes, aerosols and refrigerants.


  • Skin Cancer: exposure to UV rays from sun can lead to increased risk for developing of several types of skin cancers.
  • Eye Damage: UV rays are harmful for our eyes too. Direct exposure to UV rays can lead to Cataract problems.
  • Damage to Immune system: our immune system is also highly vulnerable to UV rays. Increased exposure to UV rays can lead to weakening of the response of immune system and even impairment of the immune system in extreme cases.
  • Aging of skin: exposure to UV rays can lead to acceleration of the aging process of your skin.
  • In humans, exposure to UV rays can also lead to difficulty in breathing, chest pain, and throat irritation and can even lead to hampering of lung function.
  • UV rays affect other life forms too. It adversely affects the different species of amphibians and is one of the prime reasons for the declining numbers of the amphibian species.
  • UV rays also have adverse effect on the marine ecosystem. It adversely affects the planktons which plays a vital role in the food chain and oceanic carbon cycle. Affecting phytoplankton will in turn affect the whole ocean ecosystem.
  • UV rays will also affect the plants. UV radiations can alter the time of flowering in some plant species. It can also directly affect the plant growth by altering the physiological and developmental processes of the plants.
  • Ozone layer depletion leads to decrease in ozone in the stratosphere and increase in ozone present in the lower atmosphere. Presence of ozone in the lower atmosphere is considered as a pollutant and a greenhouse gas.
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