Explain the main aspects of Disaster management Technique in detail.
1 Answer

Techniques of Disaster Management

  • In the recent past, the orientation for handling disaster situations has been changed from a relief-centric to a holistic, multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary approach. It involves diverse scientific, engineering, social and financial processes. This approach stems from the conviction that disaster mitigation and response should be mainstreamed and inbuilt into the sustainable development process.
  • The new approach encompasses both the risk management and crisis management for better disaster management.
  • ### Risk Management: It includes
  1. Prevention and mitigation
  2. Preparedness and
  3. Predicting and early warning
  • ### Crisis Management: After disaster crisis management come into force. It includes
  1. Response
  2. Relief and Rehabilitation (R n R)
  3. Impact assessment

Disaster Management Information System (DMIS)

  • SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) at Indian Institute of Management. Ahmedabad has developed a database-driven information system for Disaster Management Authorities (DMA) in various states. NGOs and other organizations.
  • During disaster relief work suffered immensely due to lack of information and proper planning. DMIS serves as system for disaster mitigation and for documenting experiences of individuals and organizations. It might act as a knowledge resource and help in better coordination in case of future disasters.
  • DMIS includes following seven issues:
  1. Database: It will have information on safety Equipments, oxygen cylinders and various other Equipments, skills and other information required to deal with emergency.
  2. Logistics: One of the most difficult problems to be handled is the organization of supply chain for relief. By integrating logistics with the GIS system supplies could be tracked right upto the end user.
  3. Technological Needs: Whole range of technical questions regarding buildings, cutting concrete slabs, rescue and relief emerged which needed to be solved on the spot.
  4. Self Reliance: During disaster communities come together to help each other. The lessons of community self-help need to be put together. A database of volunteers who can move at short notice will need to be developed.
  5. Communication Infrastructure: This is a serious problem and has to be resolved once for all. It will require network of ham radios, use of All India Radio, setting up help lines, etc. DMIS will also create information dissemination system and develop mechanism for capacity building.
  6. Emergency Preparedness: Drills will have to be organized to keep society prepared for dealing with such emergencies. One will have to learn from the experience of other similar drills.
  7. Forecasting: Wherever possible, disasters which can be anticipated over time or space need to be looked into. For example, buildings erected on land fill areas which were wet lands or low lying areas were more likely to get damaged.
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