Justify that full wave rectifier is more efficient that half wave rectifier.
1 Answer

Comparision half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier

S.No Half wave rectifier Full wave rectifier
1. Half Wave Rectifier consists of transformer, diode and load resistor. The circuit is shown below. Full  Wave Rectifier is given below. If consists of center tapped transformer, two diodes D1, D2  and load resistor.
2. Half wave rectifier  produces the output across RL during  positive half cycle and produces no output during negative half cycles. The input and output waveforms are shown below. Full wave rectifier  produces the output across RL during  positive half cycle and  negative half cycles.The input and output waveforms are shown below.
3. Idc :-The  dc value of the alternating current is its average value .
Idc=Imπ Idc :-The  dc value of the alternating current is  its average value.
4, Irms: The  rms value of the alternating current is its effective value .
Irms=Im2 Irms: The  rms value of the alternating current is its effective value .
5. Rectifier efficiency is defined as the ratio of output dc power to input ac power.
η=40.6% Rectifier efficiency is defined as the ratio of output dc power to input ac power.
6 Ripple factor is a mesure of ripples present in the output of a rectifier. It is defined as the ratio of RMS value of the AC component in the output to the DC component present in the output.
γ=1.21 Ripple factor is a mesure of ripples present in the output of a rectifier. It is defined as the ratio of RMS value of the AC component in the output to the DC component present in the output.
7 Peak Inverse voltage is the maximum reverse voltage the diode has to with stand.
PIV = Em Peak Inverse voltage is the maximum reverse voltage the diode has to with stand.
PIV = 2Em
8 Transformer utilization factor indicates how well the transformer is utilized
TUF=0.287 Transformer utilization factor indicates how well the transformer is utilized


Rectifier efficiency of Full Wave Rectifier is 81.2 % and  Half Wave Rectifier is 40.6%. Thus full wave rectifier is more efficient that half wave rectifier.

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