What is Hall effect? State it's significance. How can mobility be determined by using Hall Effect?
1 Answer

Hall Effect:

  • When magnetic field is applied perpendicular to a current-carrying conductor, then a voltage is developed in the material perpendicular to both magnetic field and current in the conductor.
  • This effect is known as Hall Effect and the voltage developed is known as Hall voltage (VH).
  • Hall Effect is useful to identify the nature of charge carriers in a material and hence to decide whether the material is n-type semiconductor or p-type semiconductor, also to calculate carrier concentration and mobility of carriers.

Importance of Hall Effect

  • Hall Effect proved that band theory of solids is more accurate than free electron theory.
  • Hall Effect proved that electrons are the majority carriers in all the metals and n-type semiconductors.
  • In p-type semiconductors, holes are the majority carriers.

Measuring Mobility

  • The first step in determining carrier mobility is to measure the Hall voltage (VH) by forcing both a magnetic field perpendicular to the sample (B) and a current through the sample (I). This combination creates a transverse current.
  • The resulting potential (VH) is measured across the device.
  • Accurate measurements of both the sample thickness (t) and its resistivity (r) are also required.
  • The resistivity can be determined using either a four-point probe or the van der Pauw measurement technique.
  • With just these five parameters (B, I, VH, t, and resistivity), the Hall mobility can be calculated:

  • Both Hall voltages and the measured van der Pauw resistivity are typically quite small, so the right measurement and averaging techniques are critical for accurate mobility results.
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