Find out critical radius ratio of an ionic crystal in ligancy 6 configuration. What is maximum size of cation in ligancy 6 configuration when radius of anion is 2.02 A
1 Answer

In given arrangement, the cation is extracted into 4 anions in a plane as shown in figure. The 5th anion is in upper layer (coming outside the paper) and 6th in bottom layer (going in the paper).

Join cation anion centres E and B and complete ΔEBF


$m\angle F=90$, and EF=EB

$\therefore m\angle B=m\angle E=45$

where ra is radius of anion and rc is the radius of cation

and EB = ra + rc

and BF = ra




critical radius ratio of ionic crystal in ligacy 6 configuration is 0.414

When radius of anion is 2.02Å


rc = 0.836Å

Maximum size of cation in ligacy 6 configuration is 0.836Å in terms of radius.

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