What are soft and Hard magnetic materials ? State their properties and applications.
1 Answer

Hard Magnetic Material –

1) They have large hysteresis loop as shown therefore their retentively is high.

2) Characteristics properties –

i) High retentivity, remanent magnetization & coericivity.

ii) High saturation flux density.

iii) High Hysteresis low.

iv) High Permeability.

3)  Applications –

Permanent magnets used in magnetic separators, detectors, speakers microphones, toys, dc motors, measuring instruments etc.

Soft Magnetic Materials –

Their hysteresis loop has very small area as shown,

Characteristics Properties –

1) Low remanent magnetization & coercivity

2) Low Hysteresis low.

3) High Permeability.

4) High Susceptibility.

Application –

For making the cores of d.c & a.c machines.

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