With a neat flowchart explain the waste water treatment.
1 Answer
written 3.7 years ago by |
Wastewater treatment involves several complex processes to transform incoming wastewater into clean effluent discharged into waters of the state. The processes include physical, mechanical, biological, and chemical methods in a specific sequence to separate solids from liquid, breakdown organic material, and disinfect the remaining water prior to discharge. Waste materials (sludge) are aerobically treated to produce a material that is periodically disposed of by land application. The processes are constantly operating as wastewater continually flows into, through, and out of the treatment plant.
The processes below summarize those used at the wastewater facility:
- Preliminary Treatment involves the removal of sand or grit and paper materials. Sandy material is removed by settling and paper materials are removed by cleanable racks that trap paper as it floats by. Flow is also measured in this process.
- Primary Treatment utilizes a settling tank (clarifier) to remove heavy organic material and a skimmer to remove floating grease.
- Secondary Treatment is comprised of two processes. In the first step, the organic material (known as Activated Sludge) is mixed in the Aeration Tank using fine-bubble diffusers, to provide oxygen for microorganisms that breakdown the material. In the second step, a Final Clarifier is used to allow solids to separate from the liquid slurry.
- Sand Filters (Tertiary Treatment) are used to remove fine particles that do not settle out in the final clarification process.
- Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation is utilized as a disinfectant method to kill essentially all pathogenic bacteria. UV radiation kills disease-causing bacteria by destroying genetic material and preventing cell replication.
- Aerobic Sludge Digestion is a process used to break down waste organic material generated from the treatment processes into an inert slurry which can be safely disposed by a licensed contractor. Sludge, per state regulations, is land applied as a beneficial use.
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