Why is the Hot lime Soda process preferred over the Cold lime soda process?
1 Answer
Cold Lime Soda Process Hot Lime Soda Process
It is carried out at room temperature (250C - 300C) It is carried out at high temperatures (950C - 1000C)
It is a slow process It is a rapid process
Use of coagulant is necessary Use of coagulant is not necessary
Filtration is not easy Filtration is easy as viscosity of water is low
Residual hardness is 60 ppm Residual hardness is 15 - 30 ppm
Dissolved gases are not removed Dissolved gases are removed
It has low softening capacity It has high softening capacity

  Hot lime Soda process is preferred over the Cold lime soda process because

  • In Hot Lime Soda process, reaction proceeds faster due to temperature.
  • It requires no coagulants because sludge is formed rapidly.
  • Viscosity of softened water is lower, so filtration becomes much easier.
  • It produces water of hardness with 15-30 ppm.
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