Dishtinguish between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins.
1 Answer

Differences between thermoplastic resin from thermosetting resin are:-

Thermoplastic resin Thermosetting  resin
They are linear polymers without cross-linking and branching They have three dimensional network of primary covalent bonds with cross-linking between chains.
They are comparatively softer and less strong They are stronger and harder than thermo- plastic resins.
They can be repeatedly softened by heat and hardened by cooling Once hardened and set they do not soften with the application of heat.
Objects made by thermoplastic resins cannot be used at comparatively higher temperatures as they will tend to soften under heat. Objects made by thermosetting resins can be used at comparatively higher temperature without damage.
They are usually supplied as granular materials They are usually supplied in a monomeric or par- tially polymerized form in which they are either liquid or partially thermoplastic solids
They can fill the complicated mould quite easily It is difficult to fill an intricate mould with such plastics
The scrap of these plastics can be recycled again and thus they arc economical They cannot be recycled
Uses : Toys, combs, toilet goods, photographic films, insulating tapes, hoses, electric insulation, etc. Uses : Telephone receivers, electric plugs, radio and TV cabinets, camera bodies, automobile parts, circuit breaker swttch panels, etc.
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