0.5 g of an oil is saponified with 50 ml of alcholic KOH solution. After refluxing the mixture, it required 22 ml of 0.1 NHCI solution. Find the Saponification value of given sample.
1 Answer

Weight of oil = 0.5 g

Quantity of alcoholic KOH = 50 ml

Quantity of NHCl required ( Back titration ) = 22 ml


Saponification Value = $\dfrac{Volume\space of\space KOH\space consumed\times Normality\space of\space KOH\times56}{Weight \space of\space oil\space in\space gms.}$

$=\dfrac{[Volume\space of\space KOH\space added\space to \space oil\space - Back\space titration reading]\times N_{KOH}\times56 }{ Weight\space of\space oil\space in\space gms}$

$= \dfrac{[50-22]\times0.1\times56}{0.5}$

$={313.6 \space mgs \space KOH }$

Saponification of oil = 313.6 mgs KOH

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