written 5.5 years ago by |
Methods of construction of C.C. Road: There are the following two methods of construction of Cement Concrete Road –
(1) Alternate bay method.
(2) Continuous construction method.
(1) Alternate bay method: In this method of construction, bays or slabs are constructed in alternate succession (ABCE), leaving the intermediate bays (A’B’C’D’) as shown in figure. These intermediate bays are constructed after a gap of at least one week if ordinary Portland cement is used and two days in the case when rapid hardening cement is used. This method is practicable and found useful when the proposed width of pavement in more than 4.5 m. This method provides additional working convenience for laying of slabs.
(2) Continuous Construction method: In this method of construction, all the bays or slabs (ABCD) of strip are constructed continuously without any break as shown in figure. In this method, construction joints are, however, provided when the day’s work is not ended at the specified joint. In addition to these, construction joints, dummy joints are also provided at 5 m. intervals in the transverse direction to check the planes of weakness and to control cracking. This method is generally preferred as compared to alternate bay method because of its main advantage of construction of half the pavement width at a time. Thus, the essential traffic can be diverted on the other half of the road