Explain the significance of V-number. Derive the expression for number of guided modes in graded-index fiber.

Mumbai University > Electronics and Telecommunication > Sem7 > Optical Communication and Networks

Marks: 10M

Year: May2014, Dec2013, Dec2012

1 Answer
  • It is a dimensionless parameter that determines the number of modes a fiber can support. It is given by:

$$ V= \frac{2π}λ a\sqrt{{n_1}^2-n_{2}^2}$$

$$ V = \frac{2πa}λ(N.A)$$

$$V =\frac{ 2πan_1}λ\sqrt{2∆}$$

where, a = radius of the core λ = wavelength of ray N.A = numerical aperture

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