written 5.4 years ago by | • modified 3.2 years ago |
(Description -2 marks,sketch-2 Marks)
Taper turning by swiveling compound rest:
Figure below shows the arrangement made for the taper turning by swiveling the compound rest. This method employs the principle of turning taper by rotating the work piece on the lathe axis and feeding the tool at an angle to the axis of rotation of the work piece. The tool mounted on the compound rest is attached on a circular base (Swivel plate), graduated in degree, which may be swiveled and clamped at any desired angle. Once the compound rest is set at the desired angle half the taper angle, rotation of the compound slide screw will cause the tool to be fed at the angle and generate a corresponding taper. The movement of tool is controlled by hand. Following formula is used for calculation of taper turning.