written 5.5 years ago by |
Battery ignition system’:
Figure shows line diagram of battery ignition system for a 4-cylinder petrol engine. It mainly consists of a 6 or 12 volt battery, ammeter, ignition switch, auto-transformer (step up transformer), contact breaker, capacitor, distributor rotor, distributor contact points, spark plugs, etc.
When the ignition switch is closed and engine is cranked, as soon as the contact breaker closes, a low voltage current will flow through the primary winding. It is also to be noted that the contact breaker cam opens and closes the circuit 4 times (for 4 cylinders) in one revolution. When the contact breaker opens the contact, the magnetic field begins to collapse. Because of this collapsing magnetic field, current will be induced in the secondary winding and because of more turns of secondary, voltage goes up to 28000 - 30000 volts. This high voltage current is brought to centre of the distributor rotor. Distributor rotor rotates and supplies this high voltage current to proper spark plug depending upon the engine firing order. When the high voltage current jumps the spark plug gap, it produces the spark and the charge is ignited-combustion starts products of combustion expand and produce power.