What is Sanitary landfill?
1 Answer

If waste cannot be processed for recovery or as a source of energy and cannot be treated for discharge to the surface water or air, it must be disposed off on land, this is known as sanitary land filling. The landfill site should be so designed as to reduce environmental and health risks.

The major aspects that must be considered are as follows:

  1. Type and volume of hazardous and non-hazardous waste to be landfilled.
  2. Life expectancy of landfill during its active operating period.
  3. Topography and soil characteristics at the site in its vicinity.
  4. Climatic conditions throughout the year.
  5. Surface water and ground water in the vicinity.
  6. Collection and treatment of surface run off.
  7. Selection of leachate collection and treatment systems.
  8. Effect on human health and the environment.
  9. Selection of venting systems for gaseous products.
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