Compare impulse In-variance method and BLT method.
1 Answer
Impulse Invariance Method Bilinear Transform Method
It is a many to one mapping technique. It is a one to one mapping technique.
The transfer function relation is $z = e^{ST}$ The transfer function relation is $H(z) = H(s) $ / $S = \frac{2}{T} \ (\frac{1 - z^{-1}}{1 + \bar z^{-1}})$
Frequency relation $\Omega = \frac{W}{T}$ Frequency relation $\Omega = \frac{2}{T} \ tan \ (\frac{w}{2})$
No frequency warping exists. Frequency warping exists.
Frequency aliasing exists. NO Frequency aliasing.
Best suitable for LPF and BPF design. Suitable for all types of filter.
Its a linear mapping. Its a non linear mapping.
Pre warping is not required. Pre warping is required.
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