written 5.4 years ago by |
Definition : The process of mixing certain chemicals to water to neutralise the electrical charges and to form an insoluble, gelatinous flocculent precipitate for absorbing add en-training suspended and colloidal particles of impurities is called coagulation $Q_{s n}=\ Coagulation $
Factors Affecting Coagulation
Q. What are the factors affecting coagulation?
(a) Type of coagulant.
(b) Dose of coagulant.
(c) Time and method of mixing the coagulant.
(d) Character of water.
pH of water.
Temperature of water.
Nature and quantity of suspended matter.
Common Coagulants
Q. What are the common coagulants? Explain any one.
Alum or aluminium sulphate.
Chlorinated copperas.
Magnesium carbonate and lime.
Ferrous sulphate and lime.
Sodium aluminate and lime.
Poly electrolytes.