The GII Initiative
1 Answer

The Global Information Infrastructure (GII) is a world-wide information infrastructure, the existence of which permeates international borders. We can term it a borderless infrastructure. However, IPR laws are different from one country to another. In order to fully exploit the GII for the world-wide business transactions, the Global Information Infrastructure Commission (GIIC) urges international harmonisation of IPR legislations. The GIIC has recommended that the existing intellectual property laws be revamped in order to adapt to the future development of technology. It has further recommended that an accurate def‌inition of the demarcation between legal and illegal activities is necessary in this connection. With respect to software, the GIIC has opined that Governments examine the feasibility of issuing patents for software, through multilateral organisations. A harmonious IPR Law in all countries, would enable expeditious and effective resolution of IPR issues arising out of the use of GII.

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