written 5.4 years ago by |
1. Monitor your credit closely: The credit report contains information about your credit accounts and bill paying history so that you can be tipped off when someone is impersonating you. Watch for suspicious signs such as accounts you did not open. You can also consider identity protection services, which range from credit monitoring to database scanning, for extra security.
2. Keep records of your financial data and transactions: Review your statements regularly for any activity or charges you did not make.
3. Install security software: Install security software (firewall, antivirus and anti-Spyware software) and keep it up to date as a safety measure against online intrusions.
4. Use an updated Web browser: Use an updated web browser to make sure you're taking advantage of its current safety features.
5. Store sensitive data securely: Just as you keep sensitive paper documents under lock and key, secure sensitive online information. This can be done through file encryption software.
6. Be wary of E-Mail attachments and links in both E-Mail and instant messages: Use caution even when the message appears to come from a safe sender, as identity information in messages can easily be spoofed.
7. Stay alert to the latest scams: Awareness and caution are effective methods to counter fraud. Create awareness among your friends and family members by sharing security tips you learn with them.