Botnets: The Fuel for Cybercrime
1 Answer

The dictionary meaning of Bot is "(computing) an automated program for doing some particular task, often over a network.

Botnet is a term used for collection of software robots, or Bots, that run autonomously and automatically. The term is often associated with malicious software but can also refer to the network of computers using distributed computing software.

In simple terms, a Bot is simply an automated computer program. One can gain the control of your computer by infecting them with a virus or other Malicious Code that gives the access. Your computer system maybe a part of a Botnet even though it appears to be operating normally. Botnets are often used to conduct a range of activities, from distributing Spam and viruses to conducting denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

A Botnet (also called as zombie network) is a network of computers infected with a malicious program that allows cybercriminals to control the infected machines remotely without the users' knowledge. "Zombie networks" have become of income for entire groups of cybercriminals. The invariably low cost of maintaining a Botnet and the ever diminishing degree of knowledge require to manage one are conducive to the growth in popularity and, consequently, the number of Botnets.

If someone wants to start a "business" and has no programming skills, there are plenty of "Bot for sale offers on forums. Obfuscation and encryption of these programs' code can also be ordered in the same way to protect them from detection by antivirus tools. Another option is to steal an existing Botnet. Figure below explains how Botnets create business.

enter image description here

One can reduce the chances of becoming part of a Bot by limiting access into the system. Leaving your Internet connection ON and unprotected is just like leaving the front door of the house wide open. One can ensure following to secure the system:

1. Use antivirus and anti-Spyware software and keep it up-to-date: It is important to remove and/or quarantine the viruses. The settings of these softwares should be done during the installations so that these softwares get updated automatically on a daily basis.

2. Set the OS to download and install security patches automatically: OS companies issue the security patches for flaws that are found in these systems.

3. Use a firewall to protect the system, from hacking attacks while it is connected on the Internet: A firewall is a software and/or hardware that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all (in and out) computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria. A firewall is different from antivirus protection. Antivirus software scans incoming communications and files for troublesome viruses vis-a-vis properly configured firewall that helps to block all incoming communications from unauthorized sources.

4. Disconnect from the Internet. when you are away from your computer: Attackers cannot get into the system when the system is disconnected from the Internet. Firewall, antivirus, and anti-Spyware softwares are not foolproof mechanisms to get access to the system.

5. Downloading the freeware only from websites that are known and trustworthy: It is always appealing to download free software(s) such as games, file-sharing programs, customized toolbars, etc. However, one should remember that many free software(s) contain other software, which may include Spyware.

6. Check regularly the folders in the mail box- "sent items" or "outgoing"-for those messages, you did not send: If you do find such messages in your outbox, it is a sign that your system may have infected with Spyware, and maybe a part of a Botnet. This is not foolproof; many spammers have learned to hide their unauthorized access.

7. Take an immediate action if your system is infected: If your system is found to be infected by a virus, disconnect it from the Internet immediately. Then scan the entire system with fully updated antivirus, and anti-Spyware software. Report the unauthorized accesses to ISP and to the legal authorities. There is a possibility that your passwords may have been compromised in such cases, so change all the passwords immediately.

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