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1 Answer

(1). An vice chancellor has agreed to promote hint to the post of an reader. (Rewrite the sentence using the correct articles in place of the underlined articles.)

Ans: The vice chancellor has agreed to promote hint to the post of a reader.

(2). Ashok believes that he will get success when he works hard. He will definitely get the job unless he deserves it. (Rewrite the sentence using the correct conjunctions in place of the underlined conjunctions.)

Ans: Ashok believes that he will get success if he works hard. He will definitely get the job if/because he deserves it.

(3). The new trainees are generally seen practising on the river bank. They are not allowed to go at a certain point. (Rewrite the sentence using the correct prepositions in place of the underlined prepositions.)

Ans: The new trainees are generally seen practising at the river bank. They are not allowed to go beyond a certain point.

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