written 5.2 years ago by |
For TPA calculation, first, the dynamic and static test points are calculated (see Fig.1) Dynamic points are the number of test points, which are based on dynamic measurable quality characteristics of functions in the system. Dynamic test points are calculated for every function. To calculate a dynamic function point, we need the following:
- Function points $(F P s)$ assigned to the function
- Function-dependent factors $(F D C),$ such as complexity, interfacing, and function-importance
- Quality characteristics $(Q C)$
The dynamic test points for individual functions are added and the resulting number is the dynamic test point for the system.
Similarly, static test points are the number of test points which are based on static quality characteristic of the system. It is calculated based'on the following:
- Function points $(F P s)$ assigned to the system
- Quality requirements or test strategy for static quality characteristics $(Q C)$
After this, the dynamic test point is added to the static test point to get the total test points (TTP) for the system. This total test point is used for calculating primary test hours (PTH). PTH is the effort estimation for primary testing activities, such as preparation; specification, and execution. PTH is calculated based on the environmental factors and productivity factors. Environmental factors include development environment, testing environment, and testing tools. Productivity factor is the measurement of experience, knowledge, and skills of the testing team.
Secondary testing activities include management activities like controlling the testing activities.Total test hours (TTH) is calculated by adding some allowances to secondary activities and PTH. Thus, TTH is the final effort estimation for the testing activities.