Explain with neat sketches House to House collection system.
1 Answer

House to House Collection System

In the house to house collection, refuse generated and stored in individual premises is collected by several methods such as:

1. Curb service: The house owner is responsible for placing the refuse containers at the curb on the scheduled day when the workmen from solid waste collection vehicles collect and empty the containers in the collection vehicle and place them back at the curb. The house owner is required to take back the empty containers to their house.

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Figure: Curb Service

2. Alley service: The containers are placed at the alley line from where they are picked up by workmen from solid waste collection vehicles who deposit back the empty containers.

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Figure: Alley Service

3. Set-out, Set-back service: Set-out men go to individual houses, collect the containers and empty them in the solid waste collection vehicle. Another group of persons return them to house owner’s yard.

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Figure: Set-out Set-back

4. Set-out service: The workers of solid waste collection vehicles collect the containers from individual houses and empty them in the collection vehicles. The house owner is required to take back the empty containers.

5. Backyard service: Solid waste workers carry a bin, handcart or sack or cloth to the yard and empty the solid waste container in 9t. The handcart or bin is subsequently taken to solid waste collection vehicles where it is emptied.

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Figure: Backyard service

Table: Comparison of various Methods of House-to-House Collection

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