Compare Constant Voltage Scaling and Full Voltage Scaling
1 Answer

Effects of scaling:

  • The Full scaling technique attempts to preserve the magnitude of internal electric fields in the MOSFET, while the dimensions are scaled down by factor of ‘s’.
  • In Constant voltage scaling, all dimensions of the MOSFET are reduced by a factor of ‘s’, but power supply & terminal voltage remain unchanged.
  • Device density is the area i.e. Area = L.W, therefore after scaling it becomes, Area’ = Area/ $s^2$
  • Also current density is given by J = $I_D$/Area. Therefore for Full scaling, J’ = s.J and for Constant voltage scaling, J’ = $s^3$ .J
  • In Constant voltage scaling, drain current density and power density are increased which may eventually cause serious reliability problem for the scaled transistor such as electro-migration, hot carrier degradation, oxide breakdown & electrical overstress.
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