CNC Program :
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D = 10 mm

Cutting speed V=18 m/min

Spindle speed = $\frac{320 V}{D}$ = 576 rpm

Assume, Feed = 0.2 mm/rev

$\quad$ = 0.2 $\times$ mm/rev = 0.2 $\times$576

$\quad$ = 115 mm/min


D = 6 mm

Cutting speed V=15 m/min

Spindle speed =$\frac{320 V}{D}$ = 800 rpm

Assume, f = 0.15 mm/tooth

Feed = Spindle speed $\times$2 $\times$f

$\quad$ = 800 $\times$4 $\times$ 0.15

$\quad$ = 480 mm/min

Drilling- Drill dia:

10 mm (Tool 1)

Program Description
N010 G00 G71 G90 G40 G80; Rapid, Metric, Absolute, Cancel Tool comp & canned cycle
N020 M06 T01; Tool change, Use tool 1
N030 G00 X25 Y25 S576 M03; Rapid, go to point 1, spindle speed, clockwise ON
N040 G44 M07; Tool length offset, coolant ON
N050 G81 G99 X25 Y25 Z-14 R0 F115; canned Drill cycle at point 1
N060 X125 Y75; canned Drill cycle at point 2
N070 G80 G00 Z0 M09; cancel canned drilling cycle, Return to initial level, coolant OFF
N080 M05; spindle stop

Milling- End Mill cutter dia:

6 mm (Tool 2)

Program Description
N090 G00 G71 G90 G40 G80; Rapid, Metric, Absolute, Cancel Tool comp & canned cycle
N100 M06 T02; Tool change, Use tool 2
N110 G42 M07; Tool length comp, coolant ON
N120 G00 X0 Y-5 S800 M03; Rapid to point 3, spindle speed, clockwise ON
N130 G01 Z-10 F480; Feed depth at point 3
N140 X0 Y0; Machine till point 4
N150 X120; Machine till point 5
N160 G02 X150 Y30 R30; Machine till point 6
N170 G01 Y100; Machine till point 7
N180 X50; Machine till point 8
N190 X0 Y50; Machine till point 9
N200 Y0; Machine till point 4
N210 G00 X0 Y-5 M09; Rapid to point 3, coolant OFF
N220 G00 Z0 M05; Rapid to Z axis, spindle OFF
N230 M30; End of program, m/c stop
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