Explain Double DES (Double Data Encryption Standard)
1 Answer

Double DES

In this approach, we use two instances of DES ciphers for encryption and two instances of reverse ciphers for decryption.

  • Each instances use a different key.
  • The size of the key is doubled.
  • There are issues of reduction to a single stage.
  • However, double DES is vulnerable to meet in the middle attack

Given a plaintext P and two encryption keys $K_1$ and $K_2$, a cipher text can be generated as,

$C = E(K_2, E(K_1, P))$

Decryption requires that the keys be applied in reverse order,

$P = D(K_1, D(K_2, C))$

enter image description here

Meet in the middle attack

enter image description here

The middle text, the text created by the first encryption or the first decryption, M, should be same

$M = EK_1(P) \quad $ and $ \quad M = DK_2(C)$

  • Encrypt P using all possible values of $K_1$ and records all values obtained for M.

  • Decrypt C using all possible values of $K_2$ and records all values obtained for M.

  • Create two tables sorted by M values.

  • Now compares the values for M until we finds those pairs of $K_1$ & $K_2$ for which the value of M is same in both tables

    enter image description here

  • Instead of using $2^{112}$ key search tests, we have to use $2^{56}$ key search tests two times.

  • Moving from a Single DES to Double DES, we have to increase the strength from $2^{56}$ to $2^{57}$ .

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