What is Finite Element Analysis (FEA)?
1 Answer

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

$\rightarrow$ FEA can be executed on mechanical systems to conduct static and dynamic analyses, along with identification of natural frequency and mode shapes.

$\rightarrow$ Capabilities range from single component analysis to large component analysis to large multi-disciplinary research projects.

$\phantom{\text{FEA softwares}}$

$\text{FEA softwares}$

  • Ansys
  • Nastran
  • Abaqus
  • HyperWorks

$\phantom{\text{FEA softwares}}$

$\text{Why should FEA be used ?}$

$\rightarrow$ It allows the customer to see the product before investing in building expensive prototypes and preproduction units.

$\rightarrow$ It can be effective tool to analyze problems that can range from NHV to durability issues.

$\rightarrow$ Analysis is composed of various types of testing.

$\phantom{\text{Tests conducted}}$

$\text{Tests conducted}$

$\rightarrow$ static stiffness testing

$\rightarrow$ model analysis

$\rightarrow$ Impact testing

$\rightarrow$ Acoustic testing

$\rightarrow$ Valvetrain Dynamics

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