Personal Information in Databases
1 Answer

Modern institutions store information about individuals in many databases. Perhaps the most visible locations of such records are credit-reporting agencies.

Other institutions that store personal information include banks and financial institutions; cable TV, telephone, and utilities companies; employers; mortgage companies; hospitals; schools and universities; retail establishments; government agencies (Internal Revenue Service, your state, your municipality); and many others.

There are several concerns about the information you provide to these record keepers.

Some of the major concerns are:

  • Do you know where the records are?
  • Are the records accurate?
  • Can you change inaccurate data?
  • How long will it take to make a change?
  • Under what circumstances will personal data be released?
  • How are the data used?
  • To whom are the data given or sold?
  • How secure are the data against access by unauthorized people?
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