written 8.7 years ago by | • modified 5.4 years ago |
Here are some ways solid waste in managed in Indian conditions:
Continuous efforts are taken for the management, up-gradation, and modernization of existing Transfer Stations. Recently, provisions have been made for setting up three more Transfer Stations along with enhancing capacity of the existing transfer stations. Also, phasing out of "Bulk Refuse Carriers" with JCBs / Compactors has been provisioned.
NGO labours are deployed for collection of garbage around collection points. Dry waste sorting centers are being managed by NGOs to accept the recyclable and E-waste in each ward.
Various Bye-laws are implemented to ensure strict execution of the solid waste management policies.
Grants have been sanctioned for computerization project which include vehicle tracking system, implementation of radio frequency identification, tags for real time tracking of bin servicing.
Implementation of construction and demolition waste disposal project as per Debris Management Policy is done.
Peoples participation through advanced locality management for the residential association of Mumbai, Slum Adoption Scheme (Dattak Vasti Yogna) for regular collection of waste from slum areas is encouraged.
Restructuring of SWM Department on functional lines, Mechanized sweeping of Highways and Beaches, etc.