Types of Follower
1 Answer

A] Based on Follower Motion

Based on the follower motion, followers can be classified into the following two categories:

  1. Translating followers are constrained to motion in a straight line.
  2. Swinging arm or pivoted followers are constrained to rotational motion.

B] Based on Follower Position

  1. Radial follower

    If the line of movement of the follower passes through the centre of rotation of the cam, it is known as a radial follower.

  2. Off-set follower

    If the line of movement of the roller follower is offset from the centre of rotation of the axis then it is known as the off-set follower.

C] Based on Follower Shape

These followers are shown in the figure below.

enter image description here

  1. Knife edge follower

    The contacting end of the follower has a sharp knife edge. A sliding motion exists between the contacting cam and follower surfaces. It is rarely used in practice because of the small area of contacting surface results in excessive wear.

  2. Roller Follower

    It consists of a cylindrical roller which rolls on cam surface. Because of the rolling motion between the contacting surfaces, the rate of wear is reduced in comparison with Knife edge follower. The roller followers are extensively used where more space is available such as gas and oil engines.

  3. Flat face follower

    The follower's face is perfectly flat. It experiences a side thrust due to the friction between contact surfaces of follower and cam.

  4. Spherical face follower

    The contacting end of the follower is of spherical shape which overcomes the drawback of side thrust as experiences by flat face follower.

Types Motion of the Follower

  1. Uniform velocity
  2. Modified uniform velocity
  3. Uniform acceleration and deceleration
  4. Simple harmonic motion
  5. Cycloidal motion
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