IEEE 802.11 MAC Sublayer
1 Answer

In IEEE 802.11, the MAC sublayer is responsible for asynchronous data service security service (confidentiality, authentication, access control in conjunction with layer management), and MSDU ordering.

The MAC sublayer accepts MSDUs from higher layers in the protocol stack to send them to the equivalent layer of the protocol stack in another station. The MAC adds information to the MSDU in the form of headers and trailers to generate a MAC protocol data unit (MPDU).

The MPDU is then passed to the physical layer to be sent over the wireless medium to other stations. The MAC may fragment MSDUs into several frames to increase the probability of each individual frame being delivered successfully. The MAC frame contains addressing information, information to set the network allocation vector (NAV), and a frame check sequence to verify the integrity of the frame. The general IEEE 802.11 MAC frame format is shown in Figure 1.

enter image description here.

The MAC frame format contains four address fields. Any particular frame type may contain one, two, three, or four address fields. The address format in IEEE 802.11-1997 is a 48-bit address, used to identify the source and destination of MAC addresses contained in a frame, as IEEE 802.3. In addition to source address (SA) and destination address (DA), three additional address types are defined: the transmitter address, the receiver address (RA), and the basic service set identifier (BSSID).

The transmitter address (TA) is the address of the MAC that transmitted the frame onto the wireless medium. This address is always an individual address. The transmitter address is used by stations receiving a frame to identify the station to which any responses in the MAC frame exchange protocol will be sent.

The receiver address (RA) is the address of the MAC to which the frame is sent over the wireless medium. This address may be either an individual or group address.

The source address (SA) is the address of the MAC that originated the frame. This address is always an individual address.This address does not always match the address in the transmitter address field because of the indirection that is performed by the distribution system of an IEEE 802.1 WLAN. It is the SA field that should be used to identify the source of a frame when indicating that a frame has been received to higher layer protocols.

The destination address (DA) is the address of the final destination to which the frame is sent. This address may be either an individual or group address. This address does not always match the address in the RA field because of the indirection that is performed by the DS.

The sequence control field is a 16-bit field that consists of two subfields. The subfields are a 4-bit fragment number and a 12-bit sequence number. This field is used to allow a receiving station to eliminate duplicate received frames. The sequence number subfield contains numbers assigned sequentially by the sending station to each MSDU. This sequence number is incremented after each assignment and wraps back to zero when incremented from 4095. The sequence number for a particular MSDU is transmitted in every data frame associated with the MSDU. It is constant over all transmissions and retransmissions of the MSDU.

The frame body field contains the information specific to the particular data or management frames. This field is variable in length. It may be as long as 2034 bytes without encryption, or 2312 bytes when the frame body is encrypted. The value of 2304 bytes as the maximum length of this field was chosen to allow an application to send 2048-byte pieces of information, which can be encapsulated by as many as 256 bytes of upper layer protocol headers and trailers.

The frame check sequence (FCS) field is 32 bits in length. It contains the result of applying the C-32 polynomial to the MAC header and frame body.

The original 802.11 standard suffers from some serious limitations which prevent it from becoming a leading technology and a serious alternative to wired LAN. The following are some of the problems: - Low data rate: The 802.11 protocol imposes very high overhead to all packets that reduce real data rate significantly - No QoS guarantees

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