Drawbacks of basic series inverter
1 Answer

1) The load voltage waveform has more distortion due to the time delay. This distortion is specially high for frequencies less than the resonance frequency.

2) The maximum inverter frequency is limited to a value that is slightly less than the circuit ringing frequency. If the inverter frequency exceeds the circuit ringing frequency, the d.c. source will be short-circuited.

3) The commutating element must have high rating because these components carry the load current continuously and the capacitor supplies the load current in every alternate half-cycle.

4) Load current is drawn from the d.c. source only during one half-cycle and this increases the peak current rating of the d.c. source. Since the current drawn from the d.c. source is not continuous in nature, more ripples are present in it.

5) The peak amplitude and duration of the load current in each half-cycle depends on load parameters, resulting in poor output regulation for the inverter.

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