Flyback SMPS Converter.
1 Answer

The circuit configuration for flyback converter is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a power MOSFET $M1$, transformer for isolation purposes, diode D capacitor C and load. An uncontrolled rectifier converts a.c to d.c output which is fed to flyback SMPS as shown in Fig.1.

enter image description here

When power MOSFET is turned on, supply voltage $V_{s}$ is applied to the transformer primary, i.e. $v_{1}=V_{s}$ . A corresponding voltage $v_{2}$ , with the polarity as shown in Fig.2(a), is induced in transformer secondary, i.e. $v_{2}=\frac{V_{s}}{N_{1}} N_{2} .$ As $v_{2}$ reverse biases diode D equivalent circuit of Fig.2(a) is obtained. Filter capacitance C is assumed large enough so that capacitor voltage $v_{c}(t)=$ load or output voltage $V_{0}$ is taken as almost constant. When $M 1$ is turned off, a voltage of opposite polarity is induced in primary and secondary winding as shown in Fig.2(b) Voltage across transformer secondary is $v_{2}=-V_0=-\frac{V_{s}}{N_{1}} N_{2}$ . Diode D is forward biased and starts conducting a current $i_{D} .$ As a result, energy stored in the transformer core is delivered partly to load and partly to charge the capacitor C .

enter image description here

Waveforms for $v_{1}, v_{2},$ transformer magnetizing current $i_m$ and diode current $i_{D}$ are shown in Fig.3. During the time $M 1$ is on, $v_{1}=V_{s}, v_{2}=\frac{V_{s}}{N_{1}}, N_{2}$ . For magnetizing current, it is assumed that transformer core is not demagnetized completely at the end of periodic time $T=T_{o n}+T_{o f f}$. In other words, it means that transformer magnetizing current at $t=0$ is not zero but has some positive value $I_{m o} .$ Therefore, during $T_{o n}$ , magnetizing current rises linearly from its initial value $I_{m o}$ to $I_{m 1}$ at $t=T_{o n} .$ With the rise of $i_{m}$ during $T_{o n},$ magnetic energy gets stored in the transformer core. The variation of $i_{m}$ as shown in Fig.3 can be expressed as under:

$$i_{m}(t)=I_{m o}+\frac{V_{s}}{L} t \ldots \ldots 0 \lt t \lt T_{o n}-----(1)$$

enter image description here

where $L=$ transformer magnetizing inductance, H

At $$t=T_{o n}, \quad i_{m}\left(T_{o n}\right)=I_{m 1}=I_{m o}+\frac{V_{s}}{L} \cdot T_{o n}-----(2)$$

When $\mathrm{M} 1$ is turned off, the emfs induced in primary and secondary windings are reversed as shown in Fig.2(b). Diode D is now forward biased. A current in transformer secondary winding begins to flow through D . As this current $i_{D}$ or magnetizing current $i_{m}$ reduces from $I_{m 1}$ to $I_{m o}$ at $t=T,$ transformer core energy is delivered to load.

During $T_{\text { off }} M 1$ is off and $v_{2}=-V_{0}$ . This voltage when referred to primary is $v_{1}=-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} N_{1}$. The fall of current $i_{m}$ during $T_{o f f}$ can be expressed as under.

$$i_{m}(t)=I_{m 1}-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} N_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{L}\left(t-T_{o n}\right) \quad \ldots . T_{o n}\lt t \lt T-----(3)$$

At $t=T$

$$i_{m}(T)=I_{m 1}-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} \cdot N_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{L}\left(T-T_{o n}\right)$$

Substituting the value of $I_{m 1}$ from Eq.2 in the above expression, we get

$$i_{m}(T)=I_{m o}+\frac{V_{s}}{L} \cdot T_{o n}-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} \cdot N_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{L}\left(T-T_{o n}\right)-----(4)$$

Since the net energy stored in core over periodic time $T$ is zero, $$i_{m}(O)=i_{m}(T)$$

$$I_{m o}=I_{m o}+\frac{V_{s}}{L} \cdot T_{o n}-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} \cdot N_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{L}\left(T-T_{o n}\right)$$

$$V_{s} \cdot T_{o n}=\frac{V_{0}}{a}\left(T-T_{o n}\right)$$

$\therefore$ Load voltage,

$$ \quad V_{0}=\frac{a \cdot V_{s} \cdot T_{o n}}{T-T_{o n}}=\frac{a \cdot V_{s} \cdot k}{1-k}-----(5)$$

where $a=\frac{N_{2}}{N_{1}}$ , transformer turns ratio from secondary to primary

and $\quad k=\frac{T_{o n}}{T},$ duty cycle of flyback converter.

It is seen from Fig.2(b) that open circuit voltage across $M 1$ is $$V_{oc}=v_{1}+V_{s}=\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} \cdot N_{1}+V_{s}=\frac{V_{0}}{a}+V_{s}$$

From Eq.5 $$\quad V_{oc}=\frac{V s \cdot k}{1-k}+V_{s}=\frac{V_{s}}{1-k}-----(6)$$

Eq.3 gives current on primary side of the transformer. This current, when referred to secondary side, is equal to diode current $i_{D}$ .

$$\begin{aligned} i_{D}(t) &=i_{m}(t) \cdot \frac{N_{1}}{N_{2}} \\ &=\frac{N_{1}}{N_{2}}\left[I_{m 1}-\frac{V_{0}}{N_{2}} \cdot N_{1} \cdot \frac{1}{L}\left(t-T_{o n}\right)\right] \\ &=\frac{I_{m 1}}{a}-\frac{V_{0}}{a^{2} \cdot L}\left(t-T_{o n}\right)-----(7) \end{aligned}$$

Flyback converter offers simple SMPS and is useful for applications below about 500 $\mathrm{W}$

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