Power MOSFET Characteristics
1 Answer

The basic circuit diagram for n-channel power MOSFET is shown in Fig(a), where voltages and currents are as indicated.

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(a) Transfer characteristics: This characteristic shows the variation of drain current ID as a function of gate-source voltage V05. Fig (b) shows typical transfer characteristic for n-channel power MOSFET. It is seen that there is threshold voltage VGST below which the device is off. The magnitude of VGST is of the order of 2 to 3 V.

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(b) Output characteristics: Power MOSFET output characteristics shown in Fig (c) indicate the variation of drain current ID as a function of drain-source voltage VGS as a parameter. For low values of VDS , the graph between IDVDS is almost linear; this indicates a constant value of on-resistance RDS=VDS/ID. For given VGS, if VDS is increased, output characteristic is relatively flat indicating that drain current is nearly constant. A load line intersects the output characteristics at A and B. Here A indicates fully-on condition and B fully-off state. Power MOSFET operates as a switch either at A or at B just like a BJT.

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(c) Switching characteristics: The switching characteristics of a power MOSFET are influenced to a large extent by the internal capacitance of the device and the internal impedance of the gate drive circuit. At turn-on, there is an initial delay tdn during which input capacitance charges to gate threshold voltage VGST . Here tdn is called turn-on delay time.

There is further delay tr , called rise time, during which gate voltage rises to VGSP , a voltage sufficient to drive the MOSFET into on state. During tr , drain current rises from zero to full on current ID . Thus, the total turn-on time is ton=tdn+tr . The turn-on time can be reduced by using low-impedance gate drive source.

As MOSFET is a majority carrier device, turn-off process is initiated soon after removal of gate voltage at time t1 . The turn-off delay time, tdf is the time during which input capacitance discharges from overdrive gate voltage V1 to VGSP . The fall time, tf is the time during which input capacitance discharges from VGSP to threshold voltage. During tf , drain current falls from ID to zero. So when VGSVGST, MOSFET turn-off is complete. Switching waveforms for a power MOSFET are shown in Fig (d)

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