Data Analytics Question Paper - Dec 18 - Computer Engineering (Semester 7) - Pune University (PU)
1 Answer

Data Analytics - Dec 18

Computer Engineering (Semester 7)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1.a. Explain Data Analytic Life cycle.
(8 marks) 00

1.b. When do we use Wilcoxon rank-sum test? Write steps in the test
(6 marks) 00

1.c. Explain linear regression with example.
(6 marks) 00


2.a. Compare BI Vs.Data science.
(6 marks) 00

2.b. Explain k-means clustering algorithm.What are its drawbacks?
(7 marks) 00

2.c. Explain Apriori association rule mining algorithm
(7marks) 00

3.a. Explain Bayes ‘theorem.Explain Naive Bayes’ classifier.
(8 marks) 00

3.b. Explain any three of classification performance measures.
(6 marks) 00

3.c. What is classification? List the different classifiers
(3 marks) 00


4.a. What is decision tree? Explain how decision tree is constructed using ID3 algorithm.
(8 marks) 00

4.b. Explain the following.

1.Conditional probability.

2.Posterior probability.

(3 marks) 00

4.c. Explain the following: 1.Entropy

2.Information gain

3.Gain ratio.

(6 marks) 00

5.a. What is data visualization?Explain any four data visualization Techniques
(9 marks) 00

5.b. What are the challenges in Big data visualization?
(8 marks) 00


6.a. Explain how data is visualization is done or visually represented, if data is 1-D, if data 2-D and data is 3-Diamentional?
(6 marks) 00

6.b. Explain Big data visualization tools in short (any four tools).
(8 marks) 00

6.c. Explain analytical techniques used in Big data visualization.
(3marks) 00

7.a. Explain use cases for analytics for unstructured data.
(5 marks) 00

7.b. Explain MapReduce paradigm with example.
(6 marks) 00

7.c. Explain Hadoop Distributed File System.
(5 marks) 00


8.a. Explain the Hadoop Ecosystem in detail with Pig, Hive, HBase and Mahout.
(8 marks) 00

8.b. Give a brief review of the key outputs for each of the main any four stakeholders of an analytics project.
(4 marks) 00

8.c. What are four major categories of NOSQL Tools (stores)?
(4 marks) 00

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