written 5.8 years ago by | modified 3.1 years ago by |
There are 2 ways of generating FM waves.
1] Direct method.
2] Indirect method.
FM generation using indirect method:
The indirect method used for FM generation is called as Armstrong method.
The working of Armstrong method can be divided into 3 parts.
1] Phase modulation and pre requisites:
In phase modulation, due to phase variations, few frequency variations also tale place.
Higher modulating v/g produce higher phase shift.
Higher phase shift produces greater frequency deviation.
Similarly higher modulating frequency produces a faster rate of change of modulating v/g which results into greater frequency deviation.
Thus in PM, the carrier frequency deviation is proportional to modulating v/g as well as node frequency.
But in FM, the frequency deviation is only proportional to the modulation v/g regardless of its frequency.
To rectify this issue, the modulation s/g is passed through a FC filter (LP)
The o/p of this filter is applied to phase modulation along with the carrier.
2] Implementation of phase modulator:
The crystal oscillator produces a stable unmodulated carrier which is applied to 90 degree shifter as well as combining through a buffer.
The 90 degree phase shifter, shifts the carrier by 90 degree and gives it to the balanced modulator.
At the o/p of balanced modulator double side band suppressed carrier s/g is obtained.
If we increase the modulation index, the amplitude of side bands also increases, thereby increasing the angle ? mode by the resultant with unmodulated carrier.
3] FM generation:
Crystal oscillator generates carrier at 1MHz, this is applied to combining network and a 90 degree phase shifter.
The modulating signal is passed through an audio equalizer to boost the low frequencies.
The modulating signal is then applied to a balanced modulator.
The (BM) balanced modulator produces two side bands whose resultant is 90 degree phase shifted wrt unmodulated carrier.
The unmodulated carrier and 90 degree shifted sidebands are added in the combining network.
At the o/p of combining network, fm s/g is generated. This s/g has low carrier frequency fc and low value of modulation index mf.
The FM signal with high fc and high mf is then passed through a class c power amplifier to raise the power levels.