written 5.8 years ago by | modified 3.1 years ago by |
Problems with delta modulation.
1] The step size in delta modulation as well as sampling rate must be properly change
2] Assuming that i/p signal does not changes too rapidly from sample to sample, the stair case approximation remains within ? of the i/p s/g
3] Increasing step size increases quantitization noise. There are two major sources of quantitization noise in delta modulation.
a] Slope overload
b] Granular noise.
a] Slope overload : When the slope of analog s/g is greater than the delta modulator can maintain, it is called slope overload distortion. It is more prevalent in analog s/g that have steep slope or whose amplitude levels vary rapidly.
b] Granular noise: When the i/p analog s/g has relatively constant amplitude, the reconstructed has variations that were not present in the original s/g. this is called granular noise. Granular noise is more prevalent in analog s/g that have gradual slopes and whose amplitude levels vary only by a small amount. It is analogous to quantization noise in conventional PCM.
Other disadvantages of DM :
Higher bit rate requirement, For same quantity of transmission, the bit rate needed for DM is much higher than in the code modulation.
The bandwidth requirement is higher than PCM.
Remedy or disadvantages of DM :
A decrease in the magnitude of the minimum size is required.
A small resolution is required.
It reduces Granular noise.
An increase in the magnitude of the minimum step size is required.
An increase in clock frequency.
A large resolution is required.
It reduces slope overload noise.