written 2.3 years ago by |
Cursor :
A cursor is a temporary work. once created in system memory where a SQL statement is executed.
This temporary work are used to store the retired from the database and manipulate this data.
A cursor can held more than row but can process any one at a time.
Types of cursor:
1] Implicit cursor.
The cursor are created data set when DML statement like insert, update and delete are executed.
- SQL provides few attributes so these cursors as.
% found : If DML statement returns at-least one zero the value is true.
% Not found : If DML statement retrieve at-least one row the value is false.
Row count : Return the number of row affected of DML operation.
Example :
update customer.
SET Salary = Salary + bonus
where id = 20
if sal % not found then.
dbms output pulline (No customer);
end if
Above cursor will display the merge, if none of row is updated after execution of update statement.
2] Explicit cursor :
These cursor created when we are executing a select statement that return more than one row :
Following steps are followed :
Declare the cursor.
Open the cursor.
Fetch the data.
Close the cursor.
cursor cursorname is
select statement opening
open cursorname
fetch cursor into varl, var 2
close cursor name
cid customer id% type
name customer name % type
cursor is
select id, name from
open cust
fetch cust into cid
exist when cust % not found
dbms.output.putline (% d=)
end loop
close cust