written 2.8 years ago by |
JDBC is Java Database Connectivity an API to connect to any database through Java program.
It has mainly following class structure:
Driver Manager:
- This class is used specifically to load and register the required driver for the database management system under consideration.
This class has methods and properties to establish connection with database.
Get connection - method of driver manager is used to create instance of connection class.
Three parameters are passed as:
connection string, username and password.
- If the authentication is proper then an instance of connection class is created otherwise error message is passed.
Once the connection with database is obtained then methods of this class are used to run DML & DDL queries on database.
Create statement ( ) - method is used to create instance of this class.
It has two methods to execute the queries:
executeQuery (SQL) - is used to execute SELECT statement on the database.
executeUpdate(CQL) - is used to execute insert, update or delete statements on the database.
- First method returns an object and second method returns an integer indicating how many rows are affected.
This class is used to navigate among the records returned by the query.
Execute Query ( ) method returns an object of the type Result set.
It is the snapshot of records returned by query.
The main methods are
getstring(index) $\rightarrow$ to read from column.
EOF / BOF $\rightarrow$ End of file/ Beginning of file.
next ( ) $\rightarrow$ to point to next record.
getInt (index) $\rightarrow$ to read from column of type Integer.