(Duplicate) Difference between TDM and FDM
1] Time division multiplexing. 1] Frequency division multiplexing.
2] The signals which are to be multiplexed can occupy the entire band width but they are isolated in the time domain. 2] The signals which are to be multiplexed are added in the time domain but they occupy different slots in the frequency domain.
3] TdM is preferred for the digital signals. 3] FDM is usually preferred for analog signals.
4] Synchronization is required. 4] Synchronization is not required.
5] TDM circuitry is not very complex. 5] The FDM requires a complex circuitry at the transmitter and receiver.
6] Due to only a few TDM channels will be affected. 6] Due to wide hand fading in the transmission medium all the FDM channels are affected.

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This question already has an answer, hence merged with: Compare TDM and FDM

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