Small signal model of diode

Mumbai University > EXTC > Sem 3 > Analog Electronics 1

Marks: 5 M

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

Fig1 Circuit diagram

Fig1 Circuit diagram

  • Consider the above circuit,

    Input voltage is $v_D(t)= V_D+v_d(t)$

  • DC analysis:

    The purpose of DC analysis is to find the operating point of diode.

    To do DC analysis, turn off the small AC signal

    The voltage $v_D(t)=V_D$

    And the current $i_D(t)=I_D=I_Sexp(\frac{V_D}{_ηv_T })$

Fig2 characteristics of diode

Fig2 characteristics of diode

  • When small AC signal is applied

    Total Voltage across diode is $v_D(t)=V_D+v_d(t)$

    Total instantaneous current is $i_D(t)= I_Sexp(\frac{V_D+v_d (t)}{_ηv_T })$

    $i_D(t) =I_Sexp(\frac{V_D}{_ηv_T})× exp(\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T })$

    $i_D(t)=I_D× exp(\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T})$

    • When $v_d(t)\lt\lt_ηv_T$ hence $( \frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T}\lt\lt1)$ therefore we can ignore powers of $\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T }$

      $exp\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T})≈1+\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T }$

      $i_D(t)≈I_D(1+\frac{v_d (t)}{_ηv_T })$



      $i_d(t)= \frac{I_D}{_ηv_T }v_d(t)$

    • Since \frac{I_D}{_ηv_T } is a ratio of current and voltage hence we can replace it by resistance

      Inverse of $\frac{I_D}{_ηv_T }=\frac{_ηv_T}{I_D} =r_d$

  • Small signal AC equivalent circuit is

Fig3 small AC signal equivalent circuit

Fig3 small AC signal equivalent circuit

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