Design a differentiator to differentiate an input signal that varies in frequency from 10 Hz to about 5 KHz.

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem3 > Analog and Digital Circuits

Marks: 8M

Year: Dec13

1 Answer

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Given $f_a$ = 10 Hz

We know the frequency at which the gain is 0 dB, $f_a = 1 / (2π R_f C_1)$

Let us assume $C_1$ = 0.1 µF; then

$R_f = 159.16 K Ω$

$f_b$ = 5000 Hz

We know that the gain limiting frequency $f_b = 1 / (2π R_1 C_1)$

Hence $R_1$ = 318.3 Ω

Also since $R_1C_1$ = $R_f C_f$ ; $C_f$ = 0.199 pF

$R_{COMP}$ = $R_1 || R_f$ = 317.66 Ω

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