written 5.7 years ago by | • modified 4.9 years ago |
a) Course, b) Student, c) Time & a measure d) Aggregate marks.
Create a Cube and describe following OLAP operations:
i) Rollup ii) Drill down iii) Slice iv) Dice v ) Pivot.
written 5.7 years ago by | • modified 4.9 years ago |
a) Course, b) Student, c) Time & a measure d) Aggregate marks.
Create a Cube and describe following OLAP operations:
i) Rollup ii) Drill down iii) Slice iv) Dice v ) Pivot.
written 5.7 years ago by | • modified 5.7 years ago |
Fact : marks - obtained
Dimensions : course, student & time.
Let the current level of gram is each cell gives aggregate marks of each student for a individual cluster of courses for each semester.
"X" is the total aggregate marks obtained by student S1 in semester 1 for all the subjects that belong to cluster C1.
Roll up : Obtaining aggregated/generalized level of information from the current level is called roll up for example : Getting quarterly level profit from monthly profit. it is done by merging the cells along one or more dimensions.
In this example, obtaining year wise aggregate marks from semester wise aggregate marks.
Here, "A" is aggregate total marks of student s1 in all the courses of cluster c1 in the year "Y1" i.e. A = x + z.
Drill down : Obtaining detailed level of information from the current level is called drill down. For example, getting weekly profit from monthly profit. It is done by decomposing the cells along one or more dimensions.
In this example, obtaining aggregate marks for individual courses from cluster level.
Here, "I" is the aggregate marks obtained by student S1 in semester for course that belong to cluster C1.
Slice & Dice : Obtaining one specific part of cube for detailed investigation is called slice & dice. For example getting profit for all products for all the years for a specific region.
In this example, obtaining aggregate marks of all the students, for all the characters for sem1.
Pivot : It is rotation of the cube, it is used to analyze the same data from different perspective, for example, analyzing profit region wise & then product wise.
In this example, analyzing aggregate marks obtained by students character wise & then student wise.